Decorating on a Budget

****Whether you are studying abroad or just rented your first flat, money can be tight money when it comes to decorating your apartment. Here at Modernize, we understand the excitement of living in a new space, and we have a few useful tips to make the space truly yours without spending all of your hard-earned money.

Trendy On a Dime

Keeping up with current trends and designs doesn’t have to be super expensive. Our favorite way to save money is to up-cycle and re-purpose unwanted items. If you have a table or chair that doesn’t fit with the design you want for your new space, give it a new coat of paint or reupholster it with a vibrant, patterned fabric. These small touches can go a long way to add youth and a modern flair to any space. Browse through donation centers and thrift stores for interesting accessories like lamps, trinkets, and vases.

Use small accents like area rugs, throw pillows, blankets, and even decorative books to add color to your space, especially if you rent and can’t paint. You can also select a trendy wall art design that you simply love. These adhesive decals attach and remove easily, and they don’t cost as much as wallpaper.

Be smart when choosing your art by discovering unknown artists. Search through websites like Etsy or DeviantArt to find some awe-inspiring pieces without the hefty cost. You can also make your own art on canvas or styrofoam, even if you’re not skilled with the paintbrush. This is a great way to incorporate a fun pop of color.

Make Space in a Small Place

Rentals and flats can be restricting on storage space. If you get creative, you can make the most out of it. Often, renters forget about vertical space and only use floor space and furniture for storage. While you should definitely utilize cabinets, chests, and decorative baskets, also add shelving systems to store books, accessories, or even groceries.

Going vertical opens up more floor space and more room in your cabinets. You can even use this to a design advantage, displaying accessories and books that complement your decor or say something about your personality.

Soak Up the Scenery

If you’re in beautiful Madrid, why not bring the culture to your home? Incorporate what you love about staying abroad or living in Spain through colorful art, patterned textiles, vases, and accessories from local markets.

To save money, shop a little bit at a time and look for sales. Antique markets are a great resource to find older treasures that can add a country charm to your flat. You may even find a lamp or piece of furniture to update or re-purpose!

Photography is another great decor option. If you’ve been snapping some frame-worthy photos, use a service like Shutterfly to order inexpensive prints. You can also make a photo collage to hang behind your bed or desk.

The greatest resource when decorating and improving a home on a budget is yourself. With the wide variety of DIY tutorials online and on TV, there are many things you can fix or create yourself that you may have never thought about. When in doubt, call in your friends to tackle decor with a team!

What are your tips for decorating on a budget?

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