Go Green This Black Friday

Black Friday is a day of mass consumption by people trying to get deals on various items. With so many companies giving irresistible discounts on products you have wanted for such a long time or, just realised you absolutely must have.

On this day people buy things they believe they absolutely need without a second thought and this comes with destructive consequences.  

According to Forbes it is estimated that each Black Friday "429,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions—the equivalent of 435 return flights from London to New York (or, apparently, the same weight as 61,308 elephants)".

These discount codes facilitate excessive consumption and push people into a scarcity mentality where they convince themselves that if they do not utilise the offer they will miss out on a big opportunity. There is an alternative. Green Friday, this anti Black Friday movement promotes mindfulness in consumption and the shift in mindless shopping habits with environmental awareness in mind.

There are many ways to change this and make better choices for our future. Don’t know where to start? Here are a few ways you can impact the earth positively this Black Friday.

Take A Walk Or Use Public Transport To Cut Down Your Carbon Footprint

Fresh air is great for the mind to take a moment out of your day. It can boost your mood, lower your heart rate and even help digestion. Less pollution = clearer skies=fresher air. Using public transport can reduce your stress as you leave the charge of your journey to someone else in addition, reducing the amount you spend on fuel for your car.

Using this method of movement also allows you to feel part of the community you live within and care more for what happens within your living environment.

Source: Leonardo Cardozo Galves via pexels.com

Take A Reusable Bag With You When You Go Shopping

Around 300 million tons of toxic plastic is created per year! You can be a contributing factor in lowering this figure with a simple step. Remembering to take a reusable bag with you when you do your food shopping. This can allow you to have a reliable and strong bag that you have personally invested. Thus decreasing the plastic that enters and endangers much needed wildlife that helps our ecosystem thrive.

Source: Karolina Grabowska via pexels.com

Purchase Reusable Lunch Boxes And Water Bottles

Plastic water bottles and lunch boxes are so out of season! Reduce the amount of plastic you consume and throw away. Be proud of the lunch box you take to work. This method also gives encouragement to prep your own meals at home allowing you to really think about what you are eating and fueling your body with in turn, allowing you to make better and local food choices.

Source: Tima Miroshnichenko via pexels.com

Take A Walk Within Nature And Appreciate Its Beauty

With the majority of people living in cities we can end up losing our touch with nature and appreciation for the world outside of us. Studies have also shown that walking within nature can help reduce blood pressure, enhance your immune system function and calm the nervous system arousal.

Living within the city is amazing with the world at our fingertips but, it is not natural for us to always be stimulated by noise and external stimuli constantly. Take some time out to re-calibrate with yourself.

Source: Leah Kelley via pexels.com

There Are More Ways Than Consumption To How Someone You Care For Them, Make Them A Gift Instead

Take the time to make something for someone you care for. A gift that took time and thought is worth so much! Making a gift for someone is personal and time consuming, this can not only save the gift giver money but show the care you have for someone creating the thoughtful and personalised gift.

Source: Karolina Grabowska via pexels.com


Get involved within your community. Learn some new skills and take on a challenge. Volunteering is selfless but, you can also get something out of it. You can build a sense of achievement and understanding in an area you may not have been exposed to before. Or, increase your knowledge in an area you have some understanding of all while meeting people of similar interest and working together towards a common goal.

Source: cottonbro studio via pexels.com

Romanticise Your Home Country

When you live somewhere for so long you can forget or become blind to the beauty around you. Take some time to romanticise your hometown or country. Why spend money, time and stress venturing to another country when you could be at peace and explore your own. This can not only help you appreciate your home but reduce your flight emissions and save you money.

Source: Daniel Howe via pexels.com

Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power. The more you know the more you can make better choices and decisions. We are privileged in this age to have many ways to educate ourselves through various media and written information. There are many resources out there documenting our impact on this earth also, many documentaries. Take time to learn and understand so that you can pass on this knowledge and make better day to day decisions.

Source: Pixabay via pexels.com

Nurture Yourself

Take some time for yourself. When was the last time you had 10 minutes of silence and peace all to yourself? If you an remember a time this week, amazing! Keep taking time to yourself for self reflection and decompression. Can’t remember?

Then is it time for you to do something for yourself. Go for a walk, meditate, cook yourself a meal you have been craving for a while. Reflect within yourself and your current state and future, are you happy with it? Take some time just to be selfish and think of yourself, your life and your future.

Source: Arthur Brognoli via pexels.com

Go To Your Local Farmers Market

Buy local fruits and vegetables. In doing this it cuts the travel journey that your food has to go through and even better, you can support your local economy and incorporate fresh food into your daily diet assisting your personal health and the farmers within your home country.

Source: Wendy Wei via pexels.com

Buy Vintage

There are so many quality and beautiful clothing and furniture that you can own that has had a previous home.  Sustainability can also mean purchasing items within a vintage or charity shop.

If you haven't been to one before when you first enter it can be overwhelming but once you look around, it is amazing the steals and deals you can get. Name brand items unused and considerably marked down. Unique pieces of clothing and furniture that will give you and your home that special touch. Don't knock it till you try it!

Source: Suzy Hazelwood via pexels.com

Ask Yourself Before You Buy Something Do I NEED It Or Do I WANT It

If you need something for your home it is always better to buy a quality item that may cost a little more than a cheap item that will last you a while but you will end up having to replace. Before purchasing something you want really ask yourself if you really need it or if you want it. This can help reduce the amount you purchase mindlessly and save your money for things you really want or need.

Source: Miguel Á. Padriñán via pexels.com

There are so many ways you can refrain from compulsive buying and take initiative this Green Friday. Be mindful on what really adds value to your life for longevity and not momentarily.

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