Halloween Traditions in Europe!

Halloween traditions in Europe? But surely Halloween is as American as apple pie, the American flag, and eating apple pie while looking at the American flag? Well, even though Halloween is considered to be quite American today, the festivity actually has its origins in Ireland as it is a Celtic celebration. Therefore, celebrating the 31st of October is also quite European. In this Spotahome, we will show you how Halloween traditions are celebrated across the continent. After all, we have accommodation in 10 different cities, which means we are soooo knowledgable about this festivity (and everything else!), and we can show you how Halloween is enjoyed in so many different ways.

Halloween Traditions in Ireland

Halloween in Ireland started off as a festival called Samhain and it was a day when the portal between the living and the dead worlds was at its weakest. The Ghostbusters weren’t around then so who were you gonna call? Well, nobody because most of the ghosts were of people that died during the year. These ghosts were stuck between worlds. To help them, bonfires were lit so that the newly dead could arrive safely to the Other World. Irish people still continue these Halloween traditions by lighting bonfires today and, in a more modern twist, kids go trick or treating. This tradition has its roots in American kids going around in street gangs. These kids wore scary masks to terrify people into giving them money or sweets. And people say violence never solved anything.

Halloween Traditions in Germany

When Halloween arrives in Germany, people hide all the knives in the house so that the visiting ghosts can’t do them any harm. They obviously haven’t seen how Jason Bourne uses a pen or a rolled up magazine. If you happen to be in the country for Halloween, go to an event called Burg Frankenstein. It happens in a castle that was the inspiration for Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. You are free to wander through the ruins of the castle as actors try to scare you. They try to scare you because they are dressed as ghosts. They don’t try to scare you by telling you stories of how they failed to make it in L.A.

Halloween Traditions in France

Halloween is not very popular in France but it is becoming bigger every year. Traditionally, French people have been resistant to a celebration that comes from the Anglophone world. Germany may have its knife wielding ghosts but the scariest thing in France this Halloween could be the idea of a world where everbody speaks English. The English language is, in spite of this, the reason for its growing success as a new generation are more open to learning it. Teachers see it as an excellent way to teach English to kids, and kids enjoy dressing up and eating lots of sweets. How do you say Trick or Treat in French? You say: Des bonbons ou un sort!

Halloween Traditions in Italy

Halloween traditions in Italy involve making special cakes in the shape of beans. The cakes are called Beans of the Dead. The food related events don’t end there as it is also popular in the South of Italy to prepare a feast for the Dead and then leave the house for the entirety of the day. The Dead can then enter your unlocked house and, if they don’t eat anything, they will curse you because the meal wasn’t to their liking, though this tradition doesn’t take into account if the Dead are fussy eaters or not. Also, if you’re the kind of guy who steals food from houses, this is your moment. Finally, carved pumpkins with candles help guide the Dead on their way.

Final Thoughts

So now you can celebrate Halloween no matter where you are with this Spotahome guide! You can celebrate through the night until it’s All Saints Day on November 1st. This is another great European celebration. It’s not a day dedicated to the English pop group.