Erasmus Life: Maintaining a Relationship During a Semester Abroad

Going on your Erasmus and worried about leaving someone special behind? No worries. Spotahome has put together a guide to help you feel a little closer, without having to run home every weekend.

1. Plan visits in advance.

I mean it’s just simple maths really. Reserve in advance = cheap flights = more money = more foreign adventures with your loved one. So if you’re not an organised person, this is the time to change that!


2. Watch TV shows together.

Scared you’re missing out on the show you used to watch together? Don't want to wait? Schedule a time and watch it together over Skype, text or a phone call, it’ll feel like you’re almost together.


3. Video-call.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you no longer have to scramble to remember what your loved one looks like. With regular Skype calls, you’ll be sick of each other’s faces by the end of the year.


4. Meet in the middle.

Mix it up. Go somewhere else. You don’t need to go back and forth, find a new exciting place in the middle for you both to explore so that you aren’t repeating the same activities.


5. Maintain boundaries

With distance becoming a new factor in your relationship, obviously things are going to change. But be sure to establish times to talk that work for you both, so you don’t miss out on the Erasmus experience and end up resenting your partner.


6. Plan activities to look forward to.

When you visit, have things planned. Trips to look forward to so you can really make the most of your time abroad.


7. Surround yourself with friends.

Leaving a loved one can be hard, but don’t let this stop you from getting out there and making friends. If not, it’ll just make it harder and lonelier.


8. Don’t worry.

Don’t focus on every little detail. If they don’t respond, it most likely means nothing… don’t let it drive you crazy on the best year of your life.


9. Distract yourself or over think it.

If you get lonely, worried or paranoid, just calm down - we’ve all been there. Relax and distract yourself with a cool cultural activity - there’ll be plenty - or focus on some self-improvement time like finally fitting a regular run into your day or learning to play an instrument (thanks YouTube).


10. If it doesn’t work, don’t force it.

If distance does affect your relationship in the end, maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Not all relationships can stand long distance and there’s nothing wrong with admitting defeat. Whether you’re in Italy, Spain or France…. there’ll be plenty of beautiful locals for you to feast your eyes on to mend a broken heart.