Join our community of young and motivated Student Ambassadors

Spotahome is always on the lookout for enthusiastic Ambassadors who enjoy helping fellow students get settled into student life.

Our Student Ambassadors from different cities have a lot to share...

...and they really help to make moving to a new city an enjoyable and memorable experience.  Our ambassadors help their peers by introducing them to  their new city and to find accommodation through Spotahome.

Take Roma, for example. Roma lives in Wolverhampton, England and is studying Modern Languages and European Studies at the University of Bath.  Roma loves introducing new students to university life, and thinks the best introduction to the city is to join the others at the Students Union where the atmosphere is so friendly and relaxing and that newbies will instantly feel at ease. The other students are very welcome and you’re sure to make some lifetime friends there!

Like the crew at the student union, our ambassadors are there to make newcomers instantly feel welcome and are more than happy to meet up and show them around.

Like Marina.  Marina is from Madrid and studies Law and Business at Universidad Autónoma Madrid.  Marina’s idea of the perfect intro to her city is to visit the Matadero, a former abattoir which has been converted into a cultural centre and exhibition space, to share a “cubo” (a bucket of mini, ice-cold beer bottles which lots of bars in Madrid serve for less than €5) and soak in the atmosphere.

Maguelonne, who is from Paris, would take freshies on a more artistic tour through the Montmartre neighbourhood, made famous through the movie “The Moulin Rouge” for a stroll past the Sacré Coeur church perched high on the hilltop followed by the trendy Marais, an artist's corner.

What students enjoy most about being Spotahome Ambassadors

Personal Satisfaction:

Our student ambassadors get a lot of personal satisfaction knowing that they belong to a community of motivated individuals who are making an impactful change on how people experience moving away from home. It’s a great opportunity  to help create a truly rich experience for others by sharing what you know, while making friends and having fun.

Personal Growth and Future Opportunities

Our student ambassadors develop professional skills that they will use later in life and their career. Many of them have really had a chance to show off their best qualities, and lead and inspire others.

Getting themselves out there

Our student ambassadors like to make a difference in the world and many of them have made new friends and have increased their social networks in their city and abroad. They lead, inspire and get things done and this opens doors for them in their personal and professional lives too.

Being rewarded for having Fun!

We believe that you can achieve more in life when you are having fun, and our Spotahome Student Ambassadors are great achievers who know how to make life fun! Let us reward you for your contributions and for helping make life easier for your fellow students.

The Student Ambassador Role would be well suited to you if:

You know your city well, are extroverted and enjoy socialising
want to spread the joy by helping fellow students find a home away from home, and helping them feel at home in their new city.

You are full of life and enjoy sharing your ideas, insights and experiences with enthusiasm and passion.

If you are an outgoing student who would like to join the Spotahome Ambassador team, and gain experience while you are still in school, APPLY HERE. A member of the Spotahome team will be in contact with you.

Join us!

Find out more here.