Why Berlin Is The Best Place To Be As A Digital Nomad

Berlin, Germany

Berlin is the capital and largest city in Germany with a population of around 3.5 million. The city is drenched in history from moments such as the fall of the Berlin wall to its vibrant party scene and open city for free minded people alike to make the city their home.

The modern architecture within the city sits next to memories of moments within history such as the holocaust and the cold war. The city's turbulent history paved the way for artistic pieces on the walls of the streets, amazing galleries and notorious raver nightlife. Berlin is known as the arts hotspot within the country so no matter who you are and your interests the city welcomes you with open arms.

Source: Esther


The city has an amazing network of transport. Trains (S-Bhan), underground trains (U-Bahn), buses, trams, ferries and of course the good old taxi’s. Public transport in Berlin is readily available and easy to use. All of these public transport option run on a frequency schedule throughout the day ensuring you will not have to wait more than 5-10 minutes if you miss one train there is always one close behind to ensure you can make it to your destination.

Source: anna-m. w.

A Few Transport Costs:

  • A single ticket valid for 2 hours costs 3 euros.
  • If you are making a short trip less than 3 stops the ticket price is 2 euros.
  • A 24 hour ticket costs 10 euros or less depending on the length of your journey within the city.
  • A seven day ticket costs 43 euros or less depending on the zones you decide to travel within.
  • A monthly ticket costs 107 euros.

Pets On Public Transport

Pets are allowed on public transport as long as they are not listed as dangerous breeds. This is to ensure all people travelling on public transport are safe as they make their individual journeys. Animals are not allowed to be placed on the seats and must be leashed or muzzled during the journey. Small dogs and cats can travel free of charge and within a contained carrier and large dogs can travel for a reduced fare.

Source: Sam Lion

Bicycles On Public Transport

Bikes are allowed to be taken on public transport as long as there is sufficient space and within the specified marked spaces within the carriage. If the specified areas are full you must wait for the next train or bus to board.

Source: Leandro Boogalu


Finding a place to call home in a new city can be difficult. In Berlin there are many ways to find somewhere that suits your needs regarding accommodation. Different areas of the city suit different people and what they are looking for out of the area they live in. Berlin is a hotspot for native Germans and people from outside of the country. This can mean finding a home may take some time but, when the right place is found it can help you settle into your new surroundings and get to know the neighbourhood you are living within.

Source: Spotahome REF 917167


Life is relatively affordable in the city of Berlin. Depending on the everyday necessities you require, excluding rent, the average amount necessary can be as low as 200 euros or as much as 700 euros.

Here are a few figures:

  • An inexpensive meal is around 12 euros.
  • Domestic beer 0.33ml 4 euros.
  • Bread 1.61 euros.
  • Tomatoes 1kg 3.15 euros.
  • Banana’s 1.74 euros.
  • Gym membership is 40 euros.

While is not super inexpensive to live within the city it is affordable and doable and adaptable to individual budgets while still being able to enjoy what the city has to offer.

Source: picjumbo.com


The city's native language is German. This is the official and predominant language but due to the amazing school system in the country many know how to speak English fluently. If you are struggling to express yourself in Germany don’t worry many Germans will be able to help you out as many have English as their second or third language. That being said, don't give up practising your German! It can really help you navigate your way through the city and it is greatly appreciated. If you haven’t started learning as they say today is better than yesterday!

Source: Skylar Kang


As one of the leading economies in the EU Germany has some of the best internet over countries such as France with 51.5 mbps and the UK with an average of 37.5 mbps. There are many providers to choose from so just take your pick with a provider that works for you and your budget. Download speed on mobile devices has an average of 64.2 mbps, uploads 12.06 mbps and latency 25 ms.

Source: Miguel Á. Padriñán

Co-working spaces

If you want to work around other creatives and entrepreneurs there are many co-working spots that you can work from around the city. To name a few Kaos, Betahaus, AhoyBerlin, Mindspace, WeWork, Techspace, Jugglehub (this spot even offers child care which we think is pretty cool!) and last but not least Spaceshack.

These are only a few great spots around the city there are many many more! Just choose the place that suits your needs and budget and work away.

Source: Helena Lopes


Berlin is not like nomad hubs such as Valencia and Barcelona. The city experiences all the seasons with wet and dark winters and hot sunny summers. In the winter temperatures can reach as low as -1 degrees celsius and in the summer as high as 26 degrees celsius. So be sure when you pack the clothes you need to bring a range from rain boots to summer bucket hats!

Source: Pixabay


Berlin is a relatively safe city. Walking home after going out for the evening is normal for people who call Berlin home. While Germany ranks 16th of the Global Peace Index as of 2022, certainly be cautious if you feel unsafe or feel unsafe passing large groups of people in the street. If you do not feel comfortable, take a taxi! It is better to spend a little and get home safe.

Source: Palu Malerba

Why You Should Choose Berlin

  • Compared to many other German cities Berlin is relatively affordable.
  • If you love to go out and get involved in activities around the city Berlin is DEFINITELY the place for you. With around 170 museums, over 4,000 clubs and many many amazing places to eat there is always something that can fill your time with entertainment in the city.
  • The city allows you to be more active. With an extensive network of public transportation lines there is no need for taxis or even having your own car. The streets are walkable and safe and the views you see along the way may make the walk worth it!
  • With so many free minded people you are surrounded by creativity that can help yours flow more freely.

The city is a legendary culture filled city and is definitely one of the coolest cities!

Source: Allan Feitor

Is Berlin for you?

If you want to immerse yourself in a city that is full of a diversity of people in thoughts and outward expression. Great transport links around the city and a large young population full of entrepreneurial minds. Berlin may be the place for you!

Source: mhajr invincible
