The winner of the #4MonthsTogether has been announced, and their dream city is London!

The #4monthsTogether contest has come to an end with over 200 participants hoping to gain something out of these three months of craziness: four months of free rent in the city of your dreams.

We have the pleasure to announce that Alejandra Bricio is the winner of the contest! Alejandra has participateed in #4months together by making an original video of herself dancing to “Crazy in Love” by Beyonce while she travelled throughout three cities in Europe: Berlin, Barcelona, and Paris. The city of her dreams is London, which is where she will be moving this september in one of Spotahome's apartments. You can see her video here.

The objective of this contest was to illustrate the international mobility of generation Z (Young people between the ages of 18-22) and… mission complete. We are not only going to make it possible that Alejandra moves to her desired city.  Over 40 countries have been elected as favorites among our participants, but Spotahome has created a ranking of the ones that have received the most votes: Madrid, London, Barcelona, and Paris.

This contest has allowed for many young people from all over the world to share their dreams with us. There have been all kinds of participants: fun ones, creative ones, daring ones...

The Spotahome team wants to show their appreciation for the effort put in by all the participants and we he hope that we can keep putting our energy into the area of international mobility. Also, to celebrate the final stage of the contest, we will offer a 15% discount on our service commission by using the following code:


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