10 Things You Need to Know About Living in Valencia

With so many cities around it, Valencia usually gets overlooked as a chosen destination to settle in for the rest of your life. But the truth is, living in Valencia is an absolutely amazing experience. The sun, the beach, and of course, some of the best paella you can find - what’s not to like? Check out the 10 things you need to know about living in Valencia. Pack your bags, we’re moving to Valencia!

1. It’s always sunny in Valencia

Duh! But seriously, the weather’s absolutely amazing. Even the average winter temperatures tend to be around 17 °C (63 °F), which means you can still enjoy living in Valencia without owning any heavy coats! Of course, because it’s always sunny, that means you might have to invest in air conditioning in your apartment - especially during the summer!

2. You’ll be surrounded by friendly people

Maybe it’s the sea, maybe it’s the sun - but expats have reported that people in Valencia tend to be very friendly. Of course, you’ll probably run into some close-minded people just like you would everywhere, but you can pretty much strike a conversation with just about anyone!

3. The cost of living is extremely low

One of the best things about Valencia is the low cost of living. You can easily find an apartment in the city centre from around €600 and sometimes even less - or rent a room for much much less! London can’t relate. Food, groceries, and pretty much everything else is much more affordable, making Valencia an absolutely perfect city.

4. Las Fallas are indeed crazy

Can you handle a whole week of fireworks and other pyrotechnics? Then living in Valencia is definitely an option - Las Fallas are crazy! Although the event is popular with tourists and locals alike, many tend to opt out the city during the time and escape the madness - although plenty of locals still enjoy attending and helping set up the event every year.

5. Living in Valencia can be pretty noisy

Valencia has a reputation for being a noisy city, especially if you’re living in the city centre. With plenty of bars located under residential homes, you have to invest in a good accommodation to battle the noise. On the plus side, the majority of the noise tends to come from the people, not the traffic.

6. There’s always something to do

Much like any other city, Valencia is full of unexpected surprises - you’ll never find yourself bored here. And if you do, you can always hop down to the beach or take a trip to the nearest seaside city you have yet to visit. Don’t forget to take advantage of visiting Valencia’s museums during off peak hours!

7. It’s relatively tourist-free

Compared to other cities in Spain and Catalonia, Valencia doesn’t see as many numbers when it comes to tourists. In 2016, reports stated that Valencia was visited by 6.3 million international tourists, which is still relatively low compared to other nearby cities. You can pretty much have the city to yourself!

8. There’s so much history

One of the best things about living in Valencia is being surrounded by history. You could even be living in an apartment that is full of unexpected historical stories! From beautiful plazas to gorgeous churches, it’ll take you a while before you learn the entire history of this glorious city.

9. You’ll get addicted to paella

One of my friends lived in Valencia for a couple of years - she absolutely hated paella before she arrived but by the end of her stay, she was able to tell me different types and where to get the best paella in the city (it’s Casa Salvador, in case you’re wondering).

10. Everything is nearby

You can get just about anywhere! From seaside cities to Madrid, Barcelona, Andalucia, every major city is just a few hours away. Not to mention you can get to Mallorca in just an hour on a plane!

What do you like about living in Valencia? Come let us know in the comments!

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