How to Prepare Your Parents for Your Move Abroad

Moving abroad is an exciting time. It gives you an opportunity to open your mind and see the world from an entirely different perspective. But for some, their wish to live somewhere else can seem as a completely impossible thing to come true. Having overprotective parents is a blessing in many ways, but when it comes to practicing your independence, you might have a hard time convincing them that moving abroad is the right thing to do. And if they’re worried about your accommodation, you can point them to Spotahome where they can choose a suitable apartment with you and take a virtual tour of your future home abroad.

You might never be able to convince them, but you can definitely prepare them for the transition and let them know what to expect. Here’s how to prepare your parents for your move abroad.

1. Ease them in your decision

It might seem silly, but take it from someone who didn’t really tell her parents about her move abroad until after I bought my plane ticket - tell them before you go. Let them know about the country you’re moving to and frequently talk about any possible plans you might have. They might disapprove and even deny it, but at least this way, they’ll be prepared and well-aware of what’s about to come.

2. Give a lowdown of your plans

If your parents are anything like mine, they’ll end up convincing you that this is a terrible decision. Let all those voices go in one ear and out the other because you’ll have plenty of your own doubts on top of everything else. Reassure them that you know what you’re doing by presenting your plans, at least for your first few months (or your first year, depending on the severity of parental shock). Don't forget to keep them updated on your visa application!

3. Don’t let them talk about crime statistics

Crime happens everywhere, including your hometown. Parents love to express their concern by immediately checking out the crime statistics in your chosen country. While this is mostly just a way to scare you off, you should always acknowledge it and then turn the conversation around by reassuring them you’ll rent an apartment in a safe area.

4. Don’t expect them to pay

While it’s nice to have your parents check out your future apartment, expecting them to pay for your rent or your flights will only reassure them that you need their help. Hold down your independency by saving enough to be off on your own without their help.

5. Just go

You can’t prepare your parents for everything. Life happens and dwelling on and avoiding things before they arrive isn’t going to help you grow as a person. Whether your parents approve or not, this is your life and living abroad is just one of many experience that can change you as a person. Parents never like seeing their kids grow up and move away - but deep down, they all know this is inevitable as it’s something they had to go through themselves. It’s your life.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

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